
Staging app for mac
Staging app for mac

staging app for mac
  1. Staging app for mac install#
  2. Staging app for mac pro#
  3. Staging app for mac software#

Staging app for mac install#

Customize the theme, configuration, update or install new plugins.Use WP STAGING to clone a production website for staging, testing, or backup purposes.Copy all modifications from the staging site to the production websiteĬhange your workflow of updating themes and plugins data:.Specify certain user roles for accessing the staging site.Define a separate database and a custom directory for cloning.Cloning and migration of WordPress multisite.Migrate and transfer WordPress to another host or domain.Backup entire website, even with millions of database rows extremely fast.

Staging app for mac pro#

get WP STAGING | PRO! Additional Features WP STAGING | PRO Edition

staging app for mac

This means you need WP STAGING | PRO to use those features. : Migration and cloning of WordPress multisites.For instance, clients or external developers. : Define user roles that get access to the clone site only.all plugins, themes, and media files to the production website. : Push & migrate entire clone site inc.: Make the clone website available from a subdomain like.: Choose a separate database and select a custom directory for cloning.Supports all popular web servers: Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS.The admin bar on the staging website is orange colored and shows clearly when you work on the staging site.SEO friendly: The clone website is unavailable to search engines due to a custom login prompt and the meta tag no-index.Only administrators can access the clone website.Use the clone as part of your backup strategy.Very fast – Migration and clone process takes only a few seconds or minutes, depending on the website’s size and server I/O power.No server timeouts on huge websites or/and small hosting servers.

Staging app for mac software#

  • No Software as a Service – No account needed! All data belong to you only and stay on your server.
  • Easy to use! Create a clone of your site by clicking one button.
  • WP STAGING clones the whole production site into a subfolder like /staging-site.
  • WP STAGING can help you to prevent your website from being broken or unavailable because of installing untested plugin updates! Main Features This staging and backup plugin can clone your website even if it runs on a weak shared hosting server. The plugin even automatically does an entire search & replacement of all serialized links and paths. Note: For pushing & migrating plugins and theme files to production site, check out the pro edition Īll the time-consumptive database and file cloning operations are done in the background. The clone includes an entire copy of your database.

    staging app for mac

    This clone plugin creates a clone of your website into a subfolder or subdomain (Pro) of your main WordPress installation. (Cloning and Backup time depends on the size of your website) This duplicator, staging, and backup plugin can create an exact copy of your entire website in seconds.* Great for staging, backup, or development purposes. Description WP STAGING for WordPress Cloning & Migration

    Staging app for mac